Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris Sma Kelas Xi

For number 20 to 22
A: What is going on! You look so worried?
B:  My brother got accident last night. It’s very painful when I heard the news.
A: So, where’s your brother and what about his condition now
B: He is still in the hospital, and the doctor told me no injuries so serious
A: I feel so relieved hear that
B: So do I, I’m very delighted, it’s good news
A: I hope he will be get better soon
B: Thanks
1.    “It’s very painful” expresses…..
a.    Pain
b.    Relief    c.    Pleasure
d.    Love     e.    Sadness
2.     “I feel so relieved” expresses……
a.    Pain
b.    Relief    c.    Pleasure
d.    Love     e.    Sadness

3.    “I’m very delighted, it’s good news” express….
a.    Pain
b.    Relief    c.    Pleasure
d.    Love     e.    Sadness

Text for number 23 to 24

4.    What we have to do to save our earth?
a.    Keep the clean of the environment
b.    Keep stay at home
c.    Growing the trees and conserve the environment
d.    Watering the ground all times
e.    Washing clothes and taking a bath every day
5.    What is the poster about?
a.    Warming up
b.    Warning the people
c.    Global issues     d.    Growing trees
e.    Global warming
6.    Y: Do you want to complain about something, sir?
X: No. Everything is fine, thank you
The underlined sentence expresses….
a.    Satisfaction
b.    Dissatisfaction    c.    Intention
d.    Admitting     e.    Requesting
7.    Y: How do you like the food?
X: The food was lousy
The underlined sentence expresses….
a.    Satisfaction
b.    Dissatisfaction    c.    Intention
d.    Admitting     e.    Requesting
8.     “Please be careful. The roads is slippery”
The underlined phrase expresses…..
a.    Promise
b.    Request    c.    Advice
d.    scared    e.    Opinion

For number 28 to 29
Y: What do you think of going to Senggigi beach next Sunday. (28)
X: I think that’s good idea, but few days again we will take semester
Y: Ouch,I forget, so what should we do?
X: We should review our lesson to prepare ourselves, so that we get good mark, we’d better postpone the plan. (29)
a.    Asking opinion
b.    Giving opinion    c.    Advice
d.    Request     e.    Opinion
a.    Asking opinion
b.    Giving opinion    c.    Advice
d.    Request     e.    Opinion

Where would you find mostly the warning?
a.    In the hospital
b.    In the school
c.    In the office    d.    In the park
e.    In the room

We can find the sign in the….
a.    Station
b.    Library     c.    Cinema
d.    Park     e.    Door

Text for number 32 to 36
Most of the Indonesian farmers use …..(32)  tools to …..(33)  their fields. They use……(34) to loosen the soil. Modern farm machinery is not needed, because the size of the average farm is small. Farmer also use …….(35).to get better crops. They use…. (36) natural and chemical ones.
a.    Cow
b.    Modern    c.    Machine
d.    Traditional     e.    Tractors
a.    Plant
b.    Tree     c.    Growing up
d.    Weed     e.    Seed
a.    Tractors
b.    Bulldozers     c.    Trucks
d.    Buses      e.    Ploughs
a.    Pest sprayer
b.    Land     c.    Fertilizer
d.    Water      e.    Oil
a.    Second
b.    Twice     c.    Two
d.    A lot     e.    Both

37. A: Where does John live?
       B: He …. In  Suralaga on Jalan simpan Kulur
a.    Lived
b.    Lives     c.    Live
d.    Living     e.    Leave
38. Listen! She’s …a beautiful song.
a.    Sing
b.    Sings     c.    Singing
d.    To sing       e.    Sang
39.  I saw her when I …..for the bus
a.    I was waiting
b.    I am waiting     c.    I’ve waited
d.    I had waited     e.    Waits
 40. “I’m sorry, but you can’t play tennis today”. The room….
a.    I s being cleaned
b.    It cleans     c.    Is cleaning
d.    Cleaned     e.    Had been cleaning
41. My motorcycle will be ……tomorrow morning
a.    Repairing
b.    Repairs     c.    Repaired
d.    To repair     e.    Has repaired
 42. The letter ….. written by me now
a.    Is going to be
b.    Are going to be    c.    Go to
d.    Going to    e.    Was going to be

43. If I had a car, I would pick you up every day
     The fact is….
a.    I didn’t have a car, I didn’t pick you up every day
b.    I didn’t have a car, I don’t pick you up every day
c.    I don’t have a car, I didn’t pick you up every day
d.    I don’t have a car, I don’t pick you up every day
e.    I have a car, I  pick you up every day
44. The man asked me, “where do you live”?
a.    The man asked me where I live
b.    The man asked me where I lived
c.    The man asked me where do I live
d.    The man asks me where  I lived
e.    The man ask me where I lived
45. My mother told me, ”stop smoking now”?
a.    My mother told me to stop smoking then
b.    My mother told me to stop smoking later
c.    My mother told me to stop smoking now
d.    My mother tell me to stop smoking then
e.    My mother tells me to stop smoking then


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