40 Soal Latihan Unbk Bahasa Inggris Sma Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

Soal Latihan UNBK Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya 40 Soal Latihan UNBK Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
Soal Latihan UNBK Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
1. As the prduction of these commodities greatly__on the availability of raw mate rials, they are very expensive.
A. depending
B. to depend
C. depends
D. be dependent
E. they depend

Jawaban : C
Subjek frase kata benda ini the production (tunggal) dalam tense present sehingga predikat V1/V1 + s/es=>depends

2. Because the allocated time is not enough to finish this project, we are still working on it now. As a matter of fact__on it for four days.
A. are working
B. work
C. have been working
D. worked
E. had worked

Jawaban: C
konteks menerangkan itu masih berlangsung hingga sekarang, sehingga tense yaang sesuai Present Perfect Continous (S + have/has + been + V-ing)

3. "The radio says that most of the streets in jakarta are flooded at the moment".
"I'm not surprised. We__so much rain for a week now".
A. had
B. have had
C. have
D. are having
E. had had

Jawaban: B
Keterangan memperlihatkan durasi lamanya waktu insiden (for a week) dan keterangan waktu present (now) dipakai dalam present perfect tense

4. "Last night a thief broke into my brother's house".
"Really? What___from the house?"
A. he took
B. it was taken
C. was being taken
D was taking
E. was taken

Jawaban: E
Kalimat pasif bentuk past tense (lampau)

5. Donny does not mind doing extra work, but doesn't like___.
A. criticize
B. criticizing
C. is criticized
D. be criticized
E. to be criticized

Jawaban: E
Pembahasan :
Konteks memperlihatkan bentuk pasif,.... but doesn't like to be criticized. (...tetapi tidak suka dikritik).

6. "Some workers were loading the containers in to van."
The passive form of the above sentence is:
"The containers___into the van."
A. were loaded
B. are loading
C. be loaded
D.were being loaded
E. are to loaded

Jawaban: D
Pembahasan :
Bentuk passive progressive/continuous ialah to be + being + V3.

7. Many people could have been rescued from the landslide if immediate help had arrived. From the above statement we may conclude that __

A. a rescue-team came immediately to help the victim
B. a lot of people died because of the landslide
C. the landslide did not harm anyone
D. many people rescued themselves from the landslide
E. it was just a minor landslide

Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Kalimat pengandaian dan faktanya selalu berlawanan. Jika dikatakan 'banyak orang sanggup diselamatkan' maka kenyataannya 'sedikit orang sanggup diselamatkan’.

8. Many people could have been rescued from the landslide if immediate help had arrived. From the above statement we may conclude that __
A. a rescue-team came immediately to help the victim
B. a lot of people died because of the landslide
C. the landslide did not harm anyone
D. many people rescued themselves from the landslide
E. it was just a minor landslide


Kalimat pengandaian dan faktanya selalu berlawanan. Jika dikatakan 'banyak orang sanggup diselamatkan' maka kenyataannya 'sedikit orang sanggup diselamatkan’.

9. Thank you for reminding me to send my application forms. _____.
A. | wouldn't miss the deadline if you reminded me
B. I wouldn't have missed the deadline if you had reminded me
C. I will miss the deadline if you don’t remind me
D. I would have missed the deadline I you hadn’t reminded me
E. Had you reminded me, I would

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Faktanya memperlihatkan bahwa kejadiannya telah berlangsung. Kalimat pengandaian yang dipakai ialah tipe tiga. Kata kerja pada main clause: would have+v3/been, dan kata kerja pada if clause: had+v3/been. Fakta berlawanan dengan kalimat pengandaiannya.

10. 'Now that she has grown up, my niece has her old dresses lengthened!
That means that ___.
A. my niece has lengthened her old dresses
B. my niece asked someone to lengthen her old dresses
C. my niece has to lengthen her old dresses herself
D. my niece has been told to lengthen her old dresses
E. my niece has been asked by someone to lengthen

Jawaban : B

Kata has dalam 'my niece has her old dresses lengthened’ berarti menyuruh alasannya ialah teladan kalimatnya ialah has + O +V.

11. I don't know how to arrange these flowers,
I'd rather _____.
A. do it
B. have to do it
C. have it done
D. it has been done
E. have done it

Jawaban : C
Karena saya tidaktahu bagaimana merangkai bunga-bunga itu, saya Iebih suka menyuruh bunga itu dirangkai (oleh orang Iain). Pola kalimatnya ialah have + O + V.

12. 'What is' it that you want us to do?' ' all the lights when you Ieaye the of fice.
A Turning off
B. For turning off
C. You turn off
D. To turn off
E. We turn off

Jawaban : D
Bagian yang ditanyakan merupakan obyek dari kata kerja want. Kata kerja lain yang mengikutinya berbentuk to infinitive.

13. Doctor: Open your mouth!
Mother: What the doctor tell you?
Son : The doctor told me _____.
A. that I opened his mouth
B. if I opened my mouth
C. whether I open my mouth
D. to open my mouth
E. opened my mouth

Jawaban : D
Kalimat eksklusif yang diucapkan oleh dokter kepada anak itu ialah bentuk imperative (perintah) positif yaitu, 'Open your mouth'. Dalam bentuk tak eksklusif 'Open' menjadi 'To open'.

14. Since my father and my mother are both working, we usually go __ on Sundays.
A. to shop
B. they shop
C. shopping
D. for shopping
E. shop

Jawaban :C 
Kata kerja go sanggup diikuti kata kerja bentuk Ving ataupun to infinitive. Bentuk Ving memperlihatkan bahwa insiden atau kegiatan tersebut pernah dilakukan. Kata usually (biasanya) mengindikasikan bahwa kegiatan tersebut sudah biasa dilakukan.

15. She said I refused to see her family in my
offlce, but I don't remember ___ her.
A. refuse
B. to refuse
C. refusing
D. refused
E. have refused

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Kata kerja remember sanggup diikuti kata kerja bentuk Ving atau to infinitive. Bentuk Ving memperlihatkan bahwa insiden atau kegiatan tersebut pernah dilakukan. Kata kerja refused (bentuk lampau) mengindikasikan bahwa kegiatan tersebut sudah dilakukan.

16. ___annoys her teacher very much.
A. Why does Ina always come late
B. Whether Ina always late
C. If Ina always comes late
D. Ina always comes late
E. That Ina always comes late

Jawaban : E 
Bagian yang harus dilengkapi ialah subjek kalimat. Dalam posisi subjek, clause tersebut harus diawali kata sambung yang berupa kata tanya atau if/whether atau that. Pilihan A salah alasannya ialah berpola kalimat tanya. Pilihan B salah alasannya ialah tidak memiIiki predikat. Pilihan C salah alasannya ialah kata sambung if tidak seuai dengan maknanya. Pilihan D salah alasannya ialah tidak diawali dengan kata sambung (konjungsi).

17. Since the tourist had a map, he knew ____.
A. where was the bus terminal
B. whether the bus terminal was there
C. where the bus terminal was
D. the bus terminal was there
E. was the bus terminal there

Jawaban :C 
Klausa yang sanggup dijadikan objek ialah klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita.

Teks 1
In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

The plant obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide from the atmosphere; other nutrients are taken up from the soil. Although the plant contains sodium, iodine, and cobalt, these are apparentIy not essential. This is also true of silicon and alumunium.

Overall chemical analyses indicate that the total supply of nutrients in soils is usually high in comparison with the requirements of crop plants. Much of this potential supply, however, is bound tightly in forms that are not released to crops fast enough to give satisfactor growth. Because of this, the farmer is interested in measuring the available nutrient supply as contrasted to the total quantities.

18. Which of the following elements is not taken up from the soil?

A. Potassium
B. Magnesium
C. Carbon
D. Calcium
E. Sulfur

Jawaban : C
Tanaman mendapat carbon dari atmosfer bukan dari tanah (kalimat pertama paragraf dua).

19. Why do farmer prefer considering the only available nutrients to the total quantities of nutrient found in the soil?
Because . ____
A. they do not know to obtain all the nutrients
B. chemical analyses indicate that the soil contains all the nutrients needed
C. the nutrients are in the soil
D. most of the nutrients are bound in compounds
E. some of the nutrients are found in the atmosphere

Jawaban: D 
Kalimat kedua paragraf tiga (Much of this potential supply however, is bound tightly in forms that are not released to crops fast enough to give satisfactory growth).

20. The tcpic of paragraph three is about ____.
A. the result of chemical analyses
B. the requirements of crop plant
C. giving satisfactory growth to the plant
D. measuring the available nutrients supply
E. the abundant of nutrients in the soil

Jawaban : A
Pwmbahasan :
Kalimat pertama (Overall chemical analyses indicate that . . .).

21. How many elements which are not very important can be found in the plants?
A. Three
B. Five
C. Seven
D. Nine
E. Sixteen

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Kalimat kedua paragraf kedua (Although the plant contains sodium, iodine, and Cobalt these are apparently not essential).

22. "The plant obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide ....”(paragraph 2)

Obtains means _______.
A. gets
B. takes
C. puts
D. gives
E. has

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
To obtain = to get : mendapatkan

Teks 2
Some have to do with the environment. For example, coffee that is grown in the shade supports a wade variety of bird species, but few or no birds kive among plants grown in full sun. For this reason, many people support the ”shade” method of growing coffee. Other issues are related ti labor. Although coffe customers often lead very comfortable lives, in the coffeeproducing communities of Latin America and Africa, life can be very difficult, with hard physical work, little income and few basic services. History show us that violent conflict can occur when groups fight each other for control of important resources such as oil, gold, and water. Sadly, areas where coffee is grown are sometimes also places of political unrest and hardship.

23. Which sentence would best begin the paragraph?
A. There are several methods of producing coffee.
B. Latin America and Africa are coffeeproducing countries.
C. Coffee-production methods are influenced by certain factors.

D. Several issues are related to the Production of coffee. 
E. Most people ride their bikes to their office to save gas and to keep our air clean. 

Paragraf ini banyak memperlihatkan informasi perihal masalah-masalah yang berafiliasi dengan perkebunan kopi sehingga pernyataan yang paling koheren "Several issues are related to the production of coffee'’. Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya merupakan kalimat penjelas. 

24. The sentence which is irrelevant to the topic is sentences number _____. 
A. 7 
B. 8 
C. 9 
D. 10 
E. 11 

Jawaban: A
Pembahasan : 
Paragraf ini membahas perihal masalahmasalah mengenai perkebunan kopi sehingga paragraf berikutnya tentunya penyebab masalah-masalah tersebut mengapa terjadi. 

 Teks 3
(1) Vaccines are developed to fight deseases.
(2) For example, when the disease bacteria are dead, or they have lost their danger, they can be used for good purposes. (3) Pasteur discovered that inactive bacteria, if introduced back to into the body by means of inoculation, can have beneficial effect and speed up the development of natural defences, the antibodies which are capable of fighting and blocking an invanding disease.(4) So the same bacteria that produce a disease can also produce in the extra defences our body heads to tight against the disease. (5) Louise Pateur was the great French chemist and biologist who saved a nine-yearold boy from Alsace in France. 

25. The sentences which is relevant to the topic in the text above is sentence number ____. 
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban: E
Bacaan ini membahas cara kerja vaksin dalam badan insan bukan mengenai Louise Pasteur.  

26. The main information of the text tell us about ____ . 
A. how vaccines protect people from a disease 
B. the use of dead bacteria for vaccines 
C. what Pasteur did to kill active bacteria 
D. the inventor of the first vaccines 
E. when vaccines are needed to fight disease 

Jawaban: A 
Bacaan ini banyak memperlihatkan informasi perihal bagaimana vaksin melindungi badan insan terhadap serangan penyakit. 

Teks 4
All Dutch children go through the same nonselective primary school. They then go through a sophisticated assessment process, based on which the head-teacher produces a recommendation to the secondary school. As they enter secondary school, pupils are divided into four pathways within the same school, each studying the same 15 subject from the same books but a four different levels and speeds. After two years, these four pathways take radically different routes. About 15% of the children take the most demanding academic route, which lests a further your years; 25% take the slighty less demanding academic route, which takes three years; 45% take a two-year academic route that includes some practical vocational work; and the remaining 15% take an essentially vocational pathway with some academic extras for . two years. ............................

27. Which sentence would best end the paragraph?
A. It is clear then that education is a complicated problem for the government.
B. These four pathways indicate the government’s concern about different needs and wants.
C. Thus, in this system a different pathway shows a different duration od study
D. In conclusion, the Ducth government is having a great problem with the four pathways in education.
E. Therefore, only in primary school do Dutch children get similar subject during the same period of time

Jawaban: C 
Kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya memperlihatkan informasi perihal jalan (path way) dan usang waktu (duration).

28. The topic of the paragraph is _____.
A. the pathways in the Dutch education system
B. non-selective primary school for Dutch children
C. different speeds and levels for learning
D. subjects taught to Dutch children at secondary school
E. different duration of study for Dutch children

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Paragraf ini banyak memperlihatkan informasi tahapan-tahapan dalam sistem pendidikan di Belanda bagi siswa SMP.

Teks 5
Many years ago, there lived a hermlt m a forest In Sumatra. He dld not grow food but depended on the Jungle frult to survlve. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees In the jungle died.

The old man had nothlng to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At f1rst. the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him any more food.They told him to grow his own food. One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growlng his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.

Before the boatman went away, he said, "These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds”. The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away.

When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-fleld and took home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvestlng the padi that he shouted, ”Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing !” As soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

29. What did the boatman give to the hermit? 
A. Fruit trees 
B. Some food
C. Padi plants
D. Some weeds
E. Some padi seeds

Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :
Kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, (just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking a pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds).

30. The main idea of paragraph 5 is that ____.
A. the succession of padi harvest
B. the hermit was successful clear the land
C. the hermit was successful as a farmer 
D. it needed a short of time to harvest the padi
E. the seeds should be sown before the rains came

Jawaban: A
Kalimat-kalimat pada paragraf lima memperlihatkan informasi perihal keberhasilan panen padi.

31. Why did the padi plants turn into weeds? 
A. The hermit got angry with the villagers. 
B. The hermit stopped growing the padi
C. The villagers grew weeds instead of padi as they could. 
D. The villagers took home as much padi as they could.
E. The hermit shouted ordering the padi plants to stop growing.

Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :

Paragraf enam menyatakan bahwa betapa merasa begitu lelah terus-menerus memanen padi sehingga ia berteriak menyuruh flora pada tersebut berhenti tumbuh dan padi bermetamorfosis rumput liar.

32. 'One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted. ’ (the last paragraph) 
The anton m of’shouted’ is __ . 
A. said 
B. cried 
C. laughed 
D. screamed 
E. whispered 

Jawaban: E 
Pembahasan: Bukan
Lawan kata shouted (berteriak) yang sempurna whispered (berbisik) bukan said (berkata), cried (meraung), laughed (tertua) atau screamed (menjerit). 

32. Which statement is TRUE about the hermit? 
A. He lived in a small town in Sumatra. 
B. He went to the village to ask for some food. 
C. He liked to give the villagers fruit and padi. 
D. He died in the jungle when there was a drought. 
E. He hated begging though there was nothing to eat. 

Jawaban: B 
Pembahasan :
Kalimat pertama dan kedua paragraf dua He went to a nearby village to get some food. 

33. My family advised my sister _____ in early ages.
A. do not get married
B. not to get married
C. did not get married
D. not getting married
E. not get married

Jawaban : B
Pernyataan my parents advised my sister menyiratkan kalimat berikutnya berbentuk imperative. Pernyataan kalimat langsungnya ialah ’Do not get married in early ages!’. Larangan (do not) bermetamorfosis not to dalam teladan afhrmative.

34. Mr. Edy: "' think_______that the economic situation will improve soon." 
Mr. Lord: ”You are right. The evidence cer. tainly points out that way at present.” 
A. lcan’t agree 
B. I am not sure 
C. I can't remember 
D. that's quite right 
E. there is possibility 

Jawaban : E 
Jawaban Mr Lord mengindikasikan bahwa apa yang diucapkan Mr.Edi prediksi (possibility) bahwa situasi ekonomi Indonesia akan segera membaik. 

35. Father: ”Andri, you'd better mow the grass hrst before you paint the fence.” 
Andriz:”_______ ?” 
Father: ”I'm afraid not. The smoke may make our neighbors feel annoyed.” 
A. Mayl burn the rubbish 
B. May I gather the rubbish 
C. May | smoke while working 
D. Mayl sweep the yard afterward 
E. May | throw the rubbish in the backyard

Jawaban : A
Dari tanggapan Ayah, The smoke may make our neighbors feel annoyed (Asap sanggup menciptakan jengkel tetangga), memperlihatkan bahwa Andri meminta ijin untuk memperabukan sampah.

36. Policeman: "Your truck causes too much pollution.” 
Driver: ”Oh,______ officer.” 
Policeman: ”Please, consult a mechanic about it."
Driver: ”Yes, I will." 
A. Why not 
B. I’m sorry 
C. How come 
D. Congratulations 
E. Don’t mention it 

Jawaban : A
Ucapan untuk meminta maaf ialah I’m sorry. 

37. X: ”Are you sure that nuclear power is our only hope in the future?” 
Y: ”Oh, yes, _______." 
A. that would be nice 
B. you must be kidding 
C. I can’t say for certain 
D. I can’t complain about it 
E. there’s no doubt about it 

Jawaban E
Jawaban Yes dari Y. Menunjukkan bahwa ia meyakini pernyataan X. Ungkapan untuk menyatakan keyakinan antara lain ialah I'm certain, I'm positive, I’m sure, atau No doubt about it. 

38. Mother:”Lina, please help me.” _ 
Lina : ”________ ,Mom?” 
Mother: ”Please, take the newspaper on the table for me.” 
A. How are you 
B. How do you do 
C. What can I do for you 
D. What are you going to do 
E. Where is the newspaper 

Jawaban : C
Dari obrolan Ibu dan Lina sanggup diketahui bahwa Lina menanyakan apa yang harus ia kerjakan. 

39. Kris does not have a pen. Kris does not have papen The two sentences can be combined into:
A. Kris does not have a pen but paper
B. Kris has neither a pen nor paper
C. Kris either a pen or paper
D. Kris does not have a pen
E. Kris does not only have a pen but also paper

Jawaban : B
Beberapa ungkapan yang menyatakan bahwa Kris tidak mempunyai pen dan paper adalah: Kris doesn’t have both a pen and paper; Kris doesn’t have not only a pen but also paper; atau Kris has neither a pen nor paper.

40. Because of the rain, the teacher couldn't come on time and _____
A. I neither could
B. neither did I
C. also I couldn't
D. I couldn't either
E. so I didn't

Jawaban : D
Kalimat eliptik untuk pernyataan diatas ialah : I couldn’t either; neither could I; atau nor l could

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