Expression Of Asking And Giving Opinion (Dan 5 Soal Pilihan Ganda Asking And Giving Opinion)

(Meminta dan Memberikan Pendapat)

Opinion is including  the words of opinion and argument/ reasons.
Opinion dialogue is a obrolan consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.  Argument dialogue is a obrolan that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.

Asking opinion : 
Formal :
- Have you got any comments on …..
- Do you have any idea?
- Do you have any opinion on ……
- Would you give me your opinion on……….?
- What is your reaction to ……
- What is your opinion about……….?
- What are you feeling about………….?
- What are your views on……….?
- Please give me your frank opinion?
- What do you think of…….?
- What do you think about………?
- What is your opinion?
- Why do they behave like that?
- Do you think it’s going?
- How do you like?
- How was the trip?
- How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
- How do you feel about this dicition?

Giving opinion
Formal :
- I personally believe …..
- I personally consider ….
- I personally think /feel ….
- I hold the opinion ….
- My own view of the matter is ……
- Well, personally …….
- If I had my view, I would …..

- I think I like it.
- I don’t think I care for it.
- I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
- I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
- I don’t think much of it.
- I think that……..
- In my opinion, I would rather……….
- In my case …..
- What I’m more concerned with ….
- What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- No everyone will agree with me, but ….
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- If you aks me, I feel ….
- Absolutely ………


1.  X : We’ll have a long holiday next month. 
What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do

2. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think .......................
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i can’t hear you
d. you forget it
e. let’s go

3. ........................ he is polite.
a. I don’t think
b. I don’t
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i don’t understand

4. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eric : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

5. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too


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