Contoh Macam - Macam Obrolan Expressing


1. Expressing Centranty and Uncertainty
Puput : Hi
Nyoi : Hi
Puput :  Are you sure will go to restaurant ?
Nyoi : Yes I’am Sure
Puput :  Let’s go

2. Expressing doubt and Uncertainty
Nyoi : Hi 
Puput : Hi
Nyoi : Are you ready for the pretension tomorrow ?
Puput : I’am not sure
Nyoi : Why
Puput : Because I’am not understand

3. Expressing response to doubtful 
Nyoi : Hi good afternoon 
Puput : Hi afternoon
Nyoi : Let’s go to cafre coffe
Puput : I’am sorry I not to carry money
Nyoi : Don’t worry. You are in my account
Puput : Thank you

4. Expressing asking someone to say something again
Puput : “Nyoi, do you know the home work of Mr. Fiktor ?” 
Nyoi : Yes, I know why ?
Puput :  Let’s do the homework together ?
Nyoi : Okay, you will go to my Home, will you ?
Puput :  Yes, sure what is your address ?
Nyoi : Jl. Dionegoro No. 121
Puput :  I beg your pardon ?
Nyoi : I say, Jl. DIponegoro No 121
Puput :  Okay, thank you Nyoi
Nyoi : You are welcome

5. Expressing agreement.
Nyoi : Hello ?
Puput  : Hello ?
Nyoi : How if we go to library
Puput  : That right
Nyoi : Let’s go
Puput  : Okay

6. Expressing disagreement
Puput : I think that book good 
Nyoi : I don’t think so
Puput : Why ?
Nyoi : Because this book too title complete
Puput : Thank You 

7. Expressing an offer
Nyoi : Hi Good Morning 
Puput  : Hi Morning
Nyoi :  You want to come along by car
Puput  : I want
Nyoi :  Where are you going ?
Puput  : I going to market

8. Expressing a response to disappointing statement
Nyoi : Hello, good afternoon !
Puput  : Hello, good afternoon
Nyoi : Can you going to home last night ? 
Puput  : Sorry, I don’t can.
Nyoi : Why
Puput  : Because last night i study

9. Expressing a polite request
Puput : Hello 
Nyoi : Hello
Puput : Would you help me ?
Nyoi : That right, what if can help you
Puput : Help to carry it my book
Nyoi : Oke
Puput : Thank you

10. Expressing admiration
Puput : Good morning
Nyoi : Good Morning
Puput : How great hall you Mrs. Supaidah
Nyoi : She is a good teacher


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