Era 6K @ Tren Portofolio Saham Inves Jo: Warteg Otb (28 Des 2018); Penilaian Peningkatan Keuntungan Potensial

per tgl 28 Desember 2018 (akhir taon):

@ the end of the trading YEAR, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg OT B, as follows:

tampak bahwa portofolio saham inves JO bergerak NAEK tinggi skale khususnya @ NET A/C (nilai TUNAI), kalau dibandingkan antara per tgl 28 Desember 2016 n 28 Desember 2018. Memang ada faktor pertambahan modal @ Desember 2018, yang cukup besar. Tetap aza, selisih nilai TUNAI ini berbobot bagus, karna dalam kondisi PASAR SAHAM n KEUANGAN global yang AMAT TIDAK PASTI, ekh, portofolio JO mase mencetak setidaknya 2 hal STRATEGIS: kenaekan JUMLAH LOT saham n kestabilan LABA POTENSIAL. Jika dibandingkan antara jumlah lot per tgl 29 September 2017 n per tgl 28 Desember 2018, maka tampak selisih jumlah lot antara 29 September 2017 n 31 Agustus 2016 dalam persen ( -10.86%) bergerak naek (bertambah besar) @ 28 Desember 2018 menjadi +95.45%. Justru dikala tren pasar modal TIDAK PASTI n LARUT dalam AMBIL UNTUNG BESAR-BESARan, ekh, JO malah sempat menaekkan JUMLAH LOT. Lalu apa yang terjadi? Laba potensial investasi saham JO tetap TERJADI :+225.29% (selisih lapo antara per tgl 28 Des 2016 n 28/12/2018), yaitu sekira 2 kale lipat lebe. Kesimpulan sederhana: tren ketidakpastian pasar modal BOLE TERJADI (bisa terjadi; suka-tak-suka niscaya terjadi), JO tetap BISA (bahkan wajib) CTAK keuntungan potensial, yaitu sama skale tak rugi. Itu lah cara pencapaian LABA dalam MAEN SAHAM ala JO. Terbukti. 


per tgl 27 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows

in the period of 3 weeks+ of December, 2018, the ratio of my stocks investment potential profit on the whole stocks value is @ 10.41% (December 28, 2018). the percentage ratio is down from 13.95% (December 03, 2018). the potential profits gain +35.59% @ December 28, 2018 from the potential profits @ December 03, 2018. It means that the absolute Rupiah values rise 35.59%. It's not bad, I think. I enjoy it!
in two year period, my stocks investment are gaining a lot, in term of the whole stocks price accumulation and the potential profits percentage: 


per tgl 26 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of mywhole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 20 Des 2018:

per tgl 19 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 18 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 17 Des 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 14 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 

pada tabel ini, tampak bahwa taon 2018 bukan taon gampang maen saham sama skale. TERBUKTI : pada perbandingan 2 kotak biru (CATATAN per tgl 18 Oktober 2017 dan per tgl 14 Desember 2018) tampak jlas lebe MUDAH mengelola portofolio saham inves JO taon 2017 dibandingkan 2018. Saham yang diswitched out (dikluarkan dari portofolio) cuma 1 (kija) banding dengan 6 (BNII, ELSA, INDY, myor, tlkm, pgas). 
Ksulitan laen yang jlas: LABA POTENSIAL (lapo) per tgl 18 Okt 2017 @ 95% banding per tgl 14 Des 2018 @ -10.64% (catatan pengamatan ini: keuntungan potensial dalam rupiah dari smua saham yang dipertahankan dalam portofolio; bukan termasuk laba/rugi potensial dari saham yang dimasukkan / switched in). 
Namun efek daripada STRATEGI JO maen saham dengan cara SWITCHING (baek yang switch out mau pun switch in) terbukti sukses tuh. Per tgl 18 Oktober 2017, lapo naek dari 95% k 106%. Per tgl 14 Desember 2018, lapo naek dari -10% k +52%. 
Switching terjadi dari portofolio saham inves JO yang satunya lage k portofolio ini. Terjadi switch out kalau tren harga saham TURUN MLULU (bearish). Sedangkan switch IN kalau tren harga saham cukup berpengaruh naeknya (bullish). 
Imbas switching yang JO lakukan terdapat pada jumlah SAHAM BERBEDA yang diinves: 
per tgl 03 Januari 2017: 11 saham berbeda
per tgl 18 Okt 2017: 13 saham berbeda
per tgl 14 Des 2018: 13 saham berbeda
Stidaknya jumlah saham berbeda TETAP SAMA JUMLAHNYA antara 18 Okt 2017 dan 14 Des 2018. Tetap lebe besar jumlahnya dibandingkan AWAL PENGAMATAN (03 Jan 2017). 
Kesimpulan sederhana n kasar: JO ttap sukses mengendalikan portofolio saham inves JO walo IHSG jlas AMBURADUL (berfluktuasi dahsyat) per taon 2018 (dibandingkan dengan 2017). 
neh EVALUASI TREN portofolio saham inves JO dari periode 2012 s/d 2018 sbagai GAMBARAN BTAPA TETAP BERJALANnya INVESTASI SAHAM JO, walo BANYAK KENDALA (bingitz), malah TUMBUH TUH (n JO ttap AMBIL IMBAL HASILNYA bwat KEBUTUHAN2 ya, ya, ya):

sila baca PEMBAHASAN STRATEGI @ investasi n TRADING saham oleh JO neh (2012-2018)

nilai Tunai investasi JO meningkat sekira + 6K%, dibanding dengan tren peningkatan Nilai Aset Saham (nilai rupiah harga saham n jumlah LOT yang dibelikan saham2 tersebut), serta tren peningkatan LABA POTENSIAL dari semua saham yang dibeli n diinves serta ditradingkan (masing-masing @ +1,7K% n +1,2K%). 


tgl 13 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 12 Des 2018:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 

per tgl 11 Des 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 10 Des 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 07 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 06 Desember 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 04 Desember 2018:

mo kjar LABA SANTA KLAUS (per Desember 2018) neh @ tren harga saham CPIN: 


per tgl 30 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading month, all of my stocks in GREEN (profiting): 


per tgl 29 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 
ALL in GREEN (profiting)


per tgl 28 Nov 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 27 Nov 2018: 

kjar AVG adro lebe murah neh 


per tgl 26 Nov 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 23 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 22 Nov 2018: 

FLDTT @ tren harga saham ADRO, n tetap FLDTN @ amrt, mapi n MASA neh : 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 21 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 19 Nov 2018: 

@ the middle of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg B, as follows: 

JO tambah saham MASA neh (added on), ekh, portofolio saham inves JO tetap SMUA BERLABA kok: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 16 Nov 2018:

@ the middle of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B are profiting (in Green):
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 15 Nov 2018, hari diskusi saham LAGE:


@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 14 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 13 Nov 2018: 
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:

per tgl 12 Nov 2018: 

FLDTT @ tren harga saham ADRO neh : 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 09 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 


per tgl 08 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows:


per tgl 07 Nov 2018: 

per tgl 05 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 

per tgl 02 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 
coba simak: tren harga saham BBRI, BBCA, UNVR, MAPI n AMRT: naek (23 Desember 2016-02 November 2018), sedangkan tren harga saham APLN, ASRI, KIJA, HERO, WIKA n ADRO: TURUN. 
TERNYATA tren saham konsumer n perbankan @ TAON ANJING TANAH 2018 lebe naek tinggi daripada tren saham properti, infrastruktur, sebagian kecil konsumer dan batubara. 
Rupanya saham yang bole dibilang defensif @ taon penuh "salak" anjing ini : sebagian besar konsumer dan lebih banyak didominasi perbankan. Salah satu alasan utama mungkin alasannya yaitu bahwasanya pertumbuhan ekonomi kita tetap terjadi walo terjadi "salakan" EKONOMI GLOBAL (khususnya terkait kebijakan geopolitik n ekonomi Trump n The Fed / bank sentral amrik). 

per tgl 01 November 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot B, as follows: 



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