Ordo Or Nation

      Ordo or nation (Latin: ordo, plural ordines; English: order) is a taxon level or between classes and familia. The term was first introduced by German botanist Augustus Quirinus Rivinus in tumbuhannya classification. Carolus Linnaeus was the first to consistently apply them in large tigakerajaan classification: minerals, animals, and plants, and is divided into several parts, namely:
> Carnivores
> herbivore
> Omnivore
> Insectivora
      Carnivores means 'meat eater' (Latin, meaning caro 'meat' and vorare means 'eat') are living organisms that obtain energy and nutrients from foods such as animal tissue, both as predator or scavenger. The animals that depend on animal flesh for nutrient called obligate carnivore and animals also eat foods nonhewan called facultative carnivore. Omnivor also consumed pet food and nonhewan, and apart from the more general definition, there is no limit ratio between the food material from plants and animals that can distinguish a facultative carnivore from omnivor. Which topped the carnivore food chain called predators.
       example: lion, wolf, tiger, dog.

      In zoology herbivore is an animal that only eats plants and do not eat meat. Humans are not herbivores. However, people who choose not to eat meat called nabatiwan. In practice, many lataboga eat eggs and occasionally eat other animal proteins. In terms of short, herbivores are organisms that eat plants or proteins from plants (plant-eaters).
       For example: squirrels, Cow, Buffalo, Bison, Panda.

       Omnivores (from Latin: omne = all / everything; vorare = devour) is a species that eat plants and hewansebagai main food source. Pigs are examples omnivor widely known. The crow is another example of omnivor that people see every day. Human beings are also a omnivor.
       example: apes, orangutans, Man, Raccoon.

      Insectivores (of language Latinin sectum "insects" and vorare "eat") is the name for the organism whose diet is insects and other small animals. Beast is actually not a huge beast but insects such as flies, ants, spiders, until the little frogs. While the plants in question are Nepenthes (Nephantes sp.), Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula), Punggu Fire (Drosera burmannii), and Sarasenia (Saraccenia sp.) Also called insektivor plants.
       example: Chameleon, Venus fly trap, Echidna.


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