Superconducting Technology For Renewable Energy

During these scientists envision a superconductor technology be eligible to market. Subjects, to conduct electricity without any loss of energy, superconducting critical temperature requires that were far below room temperature.

The phenomenon has known almost everyone is, in addition to the conventional bulb light, also produces heat. But only 10 percent of the energy is converted so the light by a lightbulb. And 90 percent is converted into heat.
 During these scientists envision a superconductor technology be eligible to market Superconducting Technology for Renewable Energy
Illustration of Electric Tower
But why electricity is transformed into something different ? Where light and heat come from ? The key is in electrical resistance. On the electric current, the electrons flow through the conducting wire and removing atomic energy into the wire conductor.  The greater the obstacle, the greater the energy released by the atom and the temperature will increase the heat. Conducting a very thin wire will be glowing red : the results of light and heat.

On the bulb, this kind of effect desired. But in many cases, energy thus disappeared. As in the electric network of the Airways.

A century ago, Netherlands physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered that under certain conditions, some of the material no longer has its electrical resistance. Then a "superconductive". Kamerlingh Onnes using liquid helium to cool the mercury to reach minus 269 degrees. This nearly absolute zero, the lowest temperature in nature. The results of the analysis showed, in a State of super cold, metal lost custody of electricity.

For centuries, this effect is only of interest to scholars of physics. But in the late 20th century, researchers found, that the material is superconductive at higher temperatures. At minus 196 degrees, the effect can already be utilized. The low temperature can be achieved with liquid nitrogen, which can be obtained easily because it is also used for other industrial needs.

Superconductor knew benefits for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Superconductive magnet coil is capable of resulting in a strong magnetic field, which could not be achieved with conventional materials. MRI provides images scanned from the actual body tissues that cannot be obtained from the x-ray. superconductive Coil also used in maglev trains which do it weigh tens of tons. The train is in a position to float above the tracks and capable of speeds up to more than 580 kilometers per hour.

Ideally, if the superconductivity can be used for the transmission of electricity over long distances. This can prevent the loss of power when distribute, so the power plant should not be built as close as possible to the consumer.

Solar power plant in the world that sunlight will be able to produce electricity would not be reduced when the transmission to the rest of the world. The initial distribution of test results without losing the electricity has been done in Denmark and the United States.


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