All Bloggers Must Know, Here Are 3 Characteristics Of Good Quality Articles

Due to the easy access to the internet and creating a blog, a lot of blogs have sprung up. Starting from personal blogs, politics, media, health, and other types of blogs. These blogs present articles that contain a variety of things, and various styles of writing. Some are serious, relaxed, enthusiastic, some even tend to koplak (a Javanese language which means: Behavior that looks stupid, but can entertain others or be funny). FYI, this blog belongs to the latter category

But whatever the type of blog and the style of writing, there are several aspects of article writing that must be kept in mind, especially for those of you who are bloggers of information and tutorials. Moreover, as we all know, the main goal of readers visiting a blog or website is to find information, whether it's a general visitor or a blogger.

 Due to the easy access to the internet and creating a blog All Bloggers Must Know, Here Are 3 Characteristics of Good Quality Articles

So What Are The Characteristics of Good Quality Articles?

# Readers Can Learn Something

By reading your article, readers can get or learn something new. Even though the content of the article you are presenting is very basic, it is not a duduk kasus because after all your article can be very useful for readers who are in need. Such as the article "How to Cropping Images Using Photoshop". for those who already know the way it does look trivial, but for those who don't know it, it must be very useful.

# Readers Are Motivated to Do Something

By reading your article, readers can get encouragement to do what you write. Or what the reader really wants to do at first, but he is still confused or hesitant to do so. In other words, your article motivates readers to act. Such as you make an article "4 Easy Ways to streamline your stomach", then your article can motivate your readers to do it immediately.

# Readers Can Feel Certain Feelings

By reading your article, the reader can feel a certain feeling afterwards, whether it's feeling happy, sad, etc. For example, even though your blog is a Diary-themed blog and you only write your daily activities, as much as possible engage your readers' feelings. You arrange your writing in such a way that the readers seem to experience it themselves. Or at least it can make your readers "dig" their own memories and nostalgia.

Then what should you do so that your writing can have the above criteria? try the following tips:

  1. Give instructions in your article: Help your readers by giving step-by-step instructions so that your readers easily understand and do it.
  2. Give an example in your article: Give a few examples to increase the readers' confidence in what you write.
  3. Give a picture illustration: Give a picture to make it easier for readers to get the "atmosphere" of the contents of your article. Or it could be so that readers understand your explanation better.

Those are some characteristics of good quality articles. By making good articles, it is expected that your blog can become crowded with readers and can be useful for others.


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