Characteristics And Properties Of The Algorithm

Not all sequences of logical troubleshooting steps can be called algorithms. According to Donald E. Knuth, the algorithm has five important features that include:

Algorithm Characteristics

  1. Finiteness, the algorithm must end after working on a number of process steps.
  2. Definitiness, every step should be defined precisely and not double daring.
  3. In fact, the algorithm has zero or more input data.
  4. Outpun, the algorithm has zero or more outputs.
  5. Effectivitiness, the algorithm must be a coupon, the steps of the algorithm is done in a reasonable time.

Sifat-sifat Algoritma

The properties of the algorithm are as follows:
  1. Not using symbols or syntax of a particular programming language.
  2. It does not depend on a particular programming language.
  3. Algorithms can be used to represent a sequence of events logically and can be applied in everyday events.

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Referensi :
  • Ebook Logical and Algorithm


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