Example Of Complaint Letter For Restaurant And Response Letter

photo source: https://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/boston-parker-house/dining/parkers-restaurant

Exercise: You and some friends had dinner in a restaurant a few nights ago. The service at the restaurant was terrible and the food was bad. You and two friends had severe stomach-aches the following day. The food was also overpriced.
Write to the manager of the restaurant and explain these problems. Give any details that you think are relevant. Ask the manager to do something about the situation.

Example of Complain Letter:

Dear Sir or Madam,
I ate in your restaurant on the April 26 for dinner with my friends. We are concerned of about a number of issues during regarding this dinner. The facts are as follows:
Firstly, your waiters and waitresses's service were slow and unfriendly. We had to wait so long for both the menu, foods, and the bill. When the food finally come, your waiter did not apologize for the delay and left us.
Secondly, the food had a bad taste,  it was not in good quality and it cooked unwell. The following day, we were hospitalized because of stomach-aches. Doctor said that we are food-poisoned.
The last one is your food was overpriced. The price was higher than other restaurants. In my opinion, it also did not match with the food taste and service from your staff
I hope you train your waiters and waitress in serving your customer so the service will be more fast and friendly, pays more attention to the culinary ability of the chef, and change the price of your food with the standard price. I send you a copy of hospital bill for reimbursement. We will wait for your explaination. Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,


Response from Manager:

Dear Mr./Mrs.,
We received your complaint letter on April 26, 2017 about our restaurant. As the manager of the restaurant, I would like to sincerely apologize for the negative experience that your friends and you had at our restaurant. We will trying our best to solve this problem.
In your letter, our waiters gave you a bad service that day. This is unacceptable because it was not based on our rules. You also said that the taste of food was bad and the price is overpriced.
We will improve our service time and make our staffs more friendly. For the food in our restaurant, we will give more attention to the taste, quality and the way the food cooked . For the overpriced,  we will discuss to make the standard price.
As our regret for this service, we will give you 50% discount and free iced tea for 3 people. Once again, please accept our apologize.



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