Systematics And Taxonomy
Systematics is the study of the diversity of life on Earth, both past and present, as well as the relationship between living beings throughout history. The relationship is visualized in the form of the evolutionary tree (cladogram, phylogenetic trees). This branch of science is very relevant and even sometimes considered synonymous with taxonomy.
taxonomy is taken from the Greek word meaning tassein to categorize and nomos which means the rules. Taxonomy can be defined as the grouping of a case based hierarchy (levels) specific. Where the higher taxonomic be more general and lower taxonomy is more specific.
+ Biology
In biology, taxonomy is also a distinct branch of science that studies or systematic classification of living things. The system used is the naming of the two designations, known as binomial nomenclature or binomial nomenclature, proposed by Carl von Linne (Latin: Carolus Linnaeus), a Swedish naturalist.
He introduced seven hierarchies (levels) to classify living things. Sixth hierarchy (called a taxon) was successively from the highest level (general) to lowest (specific) are:

In the binomial nomenclature, the naming of a kind enough to mention surnames (always begin with a capital letter) and the name of the type (always begin with a lowercase letter) italicized (printed upright if the main text in italics) or written with the bottom line. This rule should not be confusing because the same surname should not be to the level of other higher taxon.
The development of further knowledge force made new taxa in the sixth taxon existing ones (using the prefix 'super' and 'sub'). Also made a taxon above Phylum, namely Regnum (literally Kingdom or UK) to distinguish Prokaryotes (consisting of Regnum Archaea and Bacteria) and eukaryotes (consisting of Regnum Fungi or Mushrooms, Plantae or plants, and Animalia or Animals).
+ Pedology (Soil Science)

In the branch of soil science (pedology), soil taxonomy is based on a number of variables that characterize the state of a particular type of soil. Because the initial classification was not systematic, in 1975 a team of 'Soil Survey Staff' of Serikan US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published an agreement in soil taxonomy. Since then, each soil type has at least two names. Despite the new name has been given, the old name is often still used as a rule of Soil Survey Staff considered too detailed.
+ Education
In education, the taxonomy is made to classify educational purposes. In this case, the purpose of education is divided into several domains, namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. From each of those realms is subdivided into several categories and subcategories of successive hierarchical (multilevel), ranging from the behavior of the simple to the most complex behavior. The behavior in each level is assumed to include also the behavior of the lower level.
This taxonomy was first conceived by Benjamin S. Bloom and his colleagues in 1956, so it is often referred to as "Bloom's Taxonomy".
taxonomy is taken from the Greek word meaning tassein to categorize and nomos which means the rules. Taxonomy can be defined as the grouping of a case based hierarchy (levels) specific. Where the higher taxonomic be more general and lower taxonomy is more specific.
+ Biology
In biology, taxonomy is also a distinct branch of science that studies or systematic classification of living things. The system used is the naming of the two designations, known as binomial nomenclature or binomial nomenclature, proposed by Carl von Linne (Latin: Carolus Linnaeus), a Swedish naturalist.
He introduced seven hierarchies (levels) to classify living things. Sixth hierarchy (called a taxon) was successively from the highest level (general) to lowest (specific) are:

In the binomial nomenclature, the naming of a kind enough to mention surnames (always begin with a capital letter) and the name of the type (always begin with a lowercase letter) italicized (printed upright if the main text in italics) or written with the bottom line. This rule should not be confusing because the same surname should not be to the level of other higher taxon.
The development of further knowledge force made new taxa in the sixth taxon existing ones (using the prefix 'super' and 'sub'). Also made a taxon above Phylum, namely Regnum (literally Kingdom or UK) to distinguish Prokaryotes (consisting of Regnum Archaea and Bacteria) and eukaryotes (consisting of Regnum Fungi or Mushrooms, Plantae or plants, and Animalia or Animals).
+ Pedology (Soil Science)

In the branch of soil science (pedology), soil taxonomy is based on a number of variables that characterize the state of a particular type of soil. Because the initial classification was not systematic, in 1975 a team of 'Soil Survey Staff' of Serikan US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published an agreement in soil taxonomy. Since then, each soil type has at least two names. Despite the new name has been given, the old name is often still used as a rule of Soil Survey Staff considered too detailed.
+ Education
In education, the taxonomy is made to classify educational purposes. In this case, the purpose of education is divided into several domains, namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. From each of those realms is subdivided into several categories and subcategories of successive hierarchical (multilevel), ranging from the behavior of the simple to the most complex behavior. The behavior in each level is assumed to include also the behavior of the lower level.
This taxonomy was first conceived by Benjamin S. Bloom and his colleagues in 1956, so it is often referred to as "Bloom's Taxonomy".
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