Soal Toefl Dan Pembahasannya
Pilihlah kalimat yang bergaris bawah ini yang salah atau harus dibetulkan untuk membentuk kalimat sempurna!
8. Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.
10. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in
a. recorded
b. light
c. it was
d. the town of
dalam kalimat tersebut penggunaan kata ganti subjek itu tidak perlu, itu harus dihilangkan.
11. The French Quarter is the most famous and the most old section of New Orleans.
a. the
b. famous
c. most old
d. of
1. I use to play tennis when i was teenager
a. Use
b. Play
c. When
d. Was
Answer : A.Use
Pembahasan :
Jika ada soal menyerupai ini mari kita simak dulu kalimatnya "saya use to bermain tennis saat masih remaja". Jika use to tetap dipakai kalimat tersebut berarti "menggunakan bermain" kalimat ini tidak sesuai dong. Di dalam bahasa inggris untuk mengungkapkan pekerjaan/perbuatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang pada masa kemudian kini sudah tidak lagi. Kalimat ini memakai "use to" artinya dulu pernah melaksanakan itu.
2. The scientist have invention computer that is almost human
a. Scientist
b. Have
c. Invention
d. That
Answer : C. Invention
Pembahasan :
"peneliti menemukan komputer yang dapat menggantikan manusia"
invention disini yaitu bentuk Noun yang artinya inovasi bukan bentuk verb yang diinginkan yang artinya menemukan atau invented.
3. I can't remember where do I put the new book
a. Remember
b. Do
c. Put
d. Book
Answer : B. do
Pembahasan :
"saya tidak dapat mengingat dimana meletakan buku gres itu"
kalimat meletakan kita tahu sudah terjadi, kemarin atau kapan jadi seharusnya memakai did.
4. I have the longer hair of all students in this room
a. Have
b. Longer
c. Hair
d. Room
Answer : B. longer
Pembahasan :
ini yaitu superlative artinya kata yang mengatakan sesuatu paling bagus, paling berkualiatas pokoknya yang paling paling deh. Yang perlu diingat dalam kalimat superlative yaitu :
digunakan The + akhiran est
Kaprikornus seharusnya Longest.
5. All student study English diligently inside the classroom
a. Student
b. Study
c. Diligently
d. Inside
Answer : A. Student
Pembahasan :
ini yaitu kalimat plural alasannya All artinya banyak jadi, seharusnya student juga harus diikuti bentuk plural (students)
6.Platinum is harder than copper and is almost as pliable __________.
a. gold
b. than gold
c. as gold
d. gold is
Answer : C (as gold)
Pembahsan :
cara yang benar untuk menuntaskan perbandingan ini yaitu dengan rumus : The as + adjective + as phrase
7. Many communities are dependent on groundwater __________ from wells for their water supply.
a. that obtained
b. obtained
c. is obtained
d. obtain it
Answer : B (obtained)
melengkapi kalimat yang berpartikel.The only correct way to complete this sentence is with a participle (obtained really means which is obtained).
8. Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.
a. relearn
b. to use
c. after
d. injure
Answer : D (injure)
Pembahasan : A noun (injury), not a verb (injure), is required.
sebuah kata benda yang dibutuhkan yaitu ( injury) bukan kata kerja (injure).
9. Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed.
a. the shape
b. any
c. which
d. paced
Answer : C (which)
Pembahasan : in The preposition must precede the relative pronoun: in which.
dalam kalimat preposisi harus mendahului kata ganti relatif: di mana.
10. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in
a. recorded
b. light
c. it was
d. the town of
Answer : B (it was)
Pembahasan : The use of the pronoun subject it is unnecessary; it should be omitted.
dalam kalimat tersebut penggunaan kata ganti subjek itu tidak perlu, itu harus dihilangkan.
11. The French Quarter is the most famous and the most old section of New Orleans.
a. the
b. famous
c. most old
d. of
Answer : C (most old)
Pembahasan : The superlative form of a one-syllable adjective (old) is formed with the suffix -est: oldest.
Bentuk superlatif dari kata sifat satu suku kata (lama) dibuat dengan akhiran-est: oldest
12. Not only ____________________ places of beauty, but they also serve scientific and educational purposes as well.
a. are botanical gardens
b. botanical gardens to be
c. botanical gardens are
d. to be botanical gardens
Answer : A (are botanical gardens)
Pembahasan : A main verb, such as are, is required to complete the clause (to be is not a main verb), and the subject and verb must be inverted because the clause begins with the negative phrase not only.
Sebuah kata kerja utama, menyerupai yang, dibutuhkan untuk menuntaskan kalimat (untuk bukan kata kerja utama), dan subjek dan kata kerja harus terbalik alasannya klausa diawali dengan kalimat negatif tidak hanya.
13. A number of the materials used in manufacturing paint are potential dangerous if mishandled.
a. a number of
b. are
c. potensial
d. if mishandled
Answer : C (potential)
Pembahasan : An adverb (potentially), not an adjective (potential), is needed.
dalam kalimat ini kata keterangan (potentially) bukan kata sifat (potential) yang diperlukan.
14. Bill Clinton, that won the 1992 presidential election, was formerlygovernor of the state of Arkansas.
a. that
b. presidential
c. was formerlygovermor
d. state
Answer : (A) that
Pembahasan : the correct answer is “who” because it’s explain adjective clause
Pembahasan : the correct answer is “who” because it’s explain adjective clause
jawaban yang benar yaitu "who" alasannya menjelaskan klausa kata sifat.
15. In 1791, Quebec was divided into two sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, _____________ were ruled by elected assemblies.
a. they both
b. both of them
c. in which both
d. both of which
Answer : D (both of which)
Pembahasan : This choice correctly follows the pattern quantifier + of + relative pronoun.
dalam kalimat ini pilihan ini benar mengikuti poa quantifer + of + relative pronoun.
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