Soal Serta Balasan Bahasa Inggris Usm Pkn Stan

Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Materi Tenses, Passive Voice, Clauses, Conditional Sentence, dan Subjunctive. 
Berikut ialah 25 soal dan pembahasan pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris bahan tenses, passive voice, clauses, conditional sentence, dan subjunctive. 

1.       I ... Accounting at campus at this time tomorrow.
A.         Will be studying
B.         Will study
C.         Will have studied
D.         Will have been studying
Kunci : A
Alasan : at this time menyatakan continous, sedangkan tomorrow menyatakan future.

2.       By the end of this year, Mary ... in Jakarta for 4 years.
A.         Will be staying
B.         Will have been staying
C.         Will have stayed
D.         Will teach
Kunci : B
Alasan : By the end of this year membuktikan future perfect continous tense, yaitu menyatakan insiden yang telah berlangsung semenjak waktu kemudian dan pada waktu yg akan tiba telah berlangsung berapa lama.

3.       The patient .... before his family came.
A.         died
B.         has died
C.         was died
D.         Had died
Kunci : D
Alasan : Past perfect + before + Simple past ( lihat verb sehabis before, yaitu came).

4.       David, accompanied by his friends, ... to Mr. Reeve who is an English teacher right now.
A.         Are talking
B.         Is talking
C.         talking
D.         talk
Kunci : B
Alasan : yang menjadi subjek ialah David. Right now menawarkan continous.

5.       Michael Jackson, who was a king of pop, ... in 2008.
A.         Was died
B.         Was dead
C.         Was death
D.         dead
Kunci : B
Alasan : Simple past tense. Died merupakan kata kerja, dalam kalimat aktif tidak perlu memakai to be (was), death merupakan kata benda, dilarang dipakai sebagai predikat. Dead ialah kata sifat, harus memakai to be.

6.       Your laptop is broken. It needs ...
A.         fixed
B.         to fixed
C.         to be fixed
D.         fixes
Kunci : C
Alasan : Dua kata kerja berurutan, kata kerja ke dua dalam bentuk to inf, alasannya ialah ini kalimat pasive maka sehabis to diikuti be dan V 3.

7.      The problems will ... next Sunday.
A.         Be discussed
B.         Be discussing
C.         discuss
D.         discusses
Kunci : A
Alasan : Passive, modal diikuti oleh “be”.

8.       Neither the big house nor the smaller houses ... right now.
A.         Is being painted
B.         Is painted
C.         Are painted
D.         Are being painted
Kunci : D
Alasan : right now menawarkan present continous sedangkan predikat mengikuti Subjek 2  ( houses )karena “neither”.

9.      The town .... since 13 years ago.
A.         Has been left
B.         Have been  left
C.         Has been leaving
D.         Had been left
Kunci :A
Alasan : dalam kalimat pasif, have/has (perfect) diikuti oleh been dan V 3.

10.    The town .... before The United Kingdom came.
A.         Has been left
B.         Has been left
C.         Has been leaving
D.         Had been left
Kunci : D
Alasan : Past perfect + before + Simple past, dalam bentuk pasive perfect diikuti oleh been dan V 3.

11.    The woman ... is killed at boarding house is 26 years old.
A.         who
B.         whom
C.         whose
D.         which
Kunci : B
Alasan : kata “is killed” menawarkan bahwa the woman menjadi objek.

12.   The man ... hair is long looks so beautiful.
A.         whose
B.         whom
C.         who
D.         of which
Kunci : A
Alasan : menawarkan kepemilikan.

13.   The motorcycle, the chain ... is severed, is mine.
A.         whose
B.         that
C.         of which
D.         which
Kunci : C
Alasan : kepemilikan suatu benda.

14.   The thief ... motorcycle yesterday is being pursued by the people.
A.         Who steal
B.         Stealing
C.         Stolen
D.         Stole
Kunci : B
Alasan : Lengkapnya adl who stole, tetapi kita dapat menghilangkan “who” dan mengubah kata kerja sehabis “who” menjadi V-ing alasannya ialah merupakan kalimat aktif.

15.   The vegetables ... this morning by my mother was bought in the market yesterday.
A.         Which cooked
B.         That cooked
C.         which is cooked 
D.         Cooked
Kunci : D
Alasan :  Lengkapnya ialah which was cooked, tetapi kita dapat menghilngkan “which” dan “to be” , sedangkan verb yg dipakai ialah V 3 alasannya ialah merupakan kalimat pasive.

16.     .... his sickness, He didn’t come to his daughter wedding party.
A.         Because
B.         Because of
C.         Since
D.         Despite
Kunci : B
Alasan : Because of diikuti oleh noun/noun phrase, untuk menyatakan alasan.

17.     ... It rains so hard. All the students keep going to school.
A.         Although
B.         Despite of
C.         Inspite of
D.         Despite
Kunci : A
Alasan : Although diikuti klausa/kalimat. Menyatakan pertentangan.

18.    Kim waters the flowers everyday ... grow well.
A.         In order that
B.         So
C.         because
D.         In order to
Kunci : D
Alasan : Menyatakan tujuan, in order to diikuti oleh kata kerja.

19.   Orangutans are extinct becuase the place ... They live are often burned by human to open unirigated agricurtular field.
A.         In which
B.         which
C.         on which
D.         in where
Kunci : A
Alasan : Yang benar ialah Where, untuk menyatakan tempat. Bisa diganti dengan in which.

20.    I came home ... you were sleeping.
A.         On which
B.         In which
C.         that
D.         so
Kunci : A
Alasan : Untuk menyatakan waktu, on which atau when.

21.    My friend said that FC Porto played very well yesterday. I wish I ....
A.         Watched the match
B.         Would watch the match
C.         Had watched the match
D.         Have watched the match
Kunci :  C
Alasan : Past Subjunctive, wish + had + v3.  Sesuatu yg sudah tdk mungkin terjadi di waktu lampau.

22.    She teaches me as if She ...
A.         Were the teacher
B.         Had been the teacher
C.         Is the teacher
D.         Was the teacher
Kunci : A
Alasan : present subjunctive, Sentence + as if +S+V2/were.

23.    If only I ... have an exam tomorrow. I shouldn’t study hard tonight.
A.         Will not
B.         Wouldn’t
C.         Will
D.         Would
Kunci : B
Alasan : Future Subjunctive, If only + S + would (not) + v1. Sesuatu yang mustahil terjadi di masa yg akan datang.

24.    ... the prize, I would have given you some.
A.         If I won
B.         Did I win
C.         If I had not won
D.         Had I won
Kunci : D
Alasan : Inversi Conditional type 3. Menghilangkan If maka harus menukarkan posisi subjek dengan predikat (Had dan I).

25.  The productions of that company are not as many as last year productions. The Manager requested that the employer ... efisiently and effectively.
A.         work
B.         to work
C.         working
D.         worked
Kunci : A
Alasan : requested that + S + Bare verb ( kata kerja dasar). 
"Kita dapat alasannya ialah terbiasa, Kita tak akan terbiasa kalau tidak mencoba"


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