Quartile Deviation Formula In Statistics

From a set of data having the lowest quartile Q1 and the top Quartile Q3, so the quartile deviation formula is:
Quartile Deviation Formula in Statistics
Qd = (1/2)(Q3 - Q1)
Information :
Qd = Quartile deviation
Q1 = Lower quartile or 1st quartile
Q3 = Up quartile or 3rd quartile
Example :
Please determine the quartile deviation if Q1 = 40.27 and Q3 = 53.79 !!!
Answer :
Q1 = 40.27
Q3 = 53.79
Qd = (1/2)(Q3 - Q1)
Qd = (1/2)(53.79 - 40.27)
Qd = 13.52 / 2
Qd = 6.76
So the quartile deviation is 6.76
So just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Referensi :
- Book math group sales and accounting essay To'ali class 12
Sumber http://matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com
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