Statements And Not Statements In Math Logic
In everyday life, if you want to express something, then always use the sentence (a series of words). According to the logic of the sentence scheme is as follows:
Jakarta is located on the island of Java
6 x 8 = 50
Three dining cabinets
q: Indonesia Raya song created by Kusbini
r: If 2x = 6 then x = 3
In the example of the statement above, p and r are true while q is false.
Fulan is a corrupt person
There has been a fire at Bumi Maya Housing
What is the number of students of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan in Jakarta?
Rest if you are tired
x2 - 5x - 40 > 0
This is a metal
A variable in the open sentence, if it is replaced then the sentence can be determined its true value. Review x + 2 = 5, if x we replace with 3 then the sentence becomes 3 + 2 = 5 is a sentence that is true and x = 3 is called completion of the open sentence. But if the price of x we replace with 1 then the sentence becomes 1 + 2 = 5, this is a statement that is wrong value.
From the above review we can say that the open sentence can turn into a statement that is true or false if the variable or variable of the open sentence is replaced with a certain value.
Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
1. Meaning Sentence
Sentence means meaningful sentenceExample of Meaning Sentence
Fatima is a tenth graderJakarta is located on the island of Java
6 x 8 = 50
2. Not Meaning Sentence
Not Meaning Sentence is a sentence that has no meaningExample of Not Meaning Sentence
The bank loves eightThree dining cabinets
3. Statement Sentence
The statement sentence is a sentence that has true or false values only, but not both. Thus we can say that the statement is a sentence that has true value only or wrong asja but not true and wrong all at once, or in other words a statement is a sentence that can be determined the value of truth. To simplify subsequent use, the statement will be denoted by a small letter, such as p, q, r and so on. The true statement has a true value of T (true) or 1 and the false statement has a T (wrong) or 0 truth value.Example of Statement Sentence
p: The counting number is the original plus the zeroq: Indonesia Raya song created by Kusbini
r: If 2x = 6 then x = 3
In the example of the statement above, p and r are true while q is false.
4. Statement of facts Sentence
Statement of facts Sentence is a statement whose true value should be investigated first.Example of Statement of facts Sentence
Hanif is one of the students of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan TarunaFulan is a corrupt person
There has been a fire at Bumi Maya Housing
5. Not Statement Sentence
Not Statement Sentence is a sentence that can not be determined its true value.Example of Not Statement Sentence
May God forgive your sinsWhat is the number of students of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan in Jakarta?
Rest if you are tired
6. Open sentence
Open sentence is a sentence containing variable (variable) and if the variable is replaced by a constant in its semestation, it will produce a statement.Exmaple of Open sentence
x + 2 = 5x2 - 5x - 40 > 0
This is a metal
A variable in the open sentence, if it is replaced then the sentence can be determined its true value. Review x + 2 = 5, if x we replace with 3 then the sentence becomes 3 + 2 = 5 is a sentence that is true and x = 3 is called completion of the open sentence. But if the price of x we replace with 1 then the sentence becomes 1 + 2 = 5, this is a statement that is wrong value.
From the above review we can say that the open sentence can turn into a statement that is true or false if the variable or variable of the open sentence is replaced with a certain value.
Similarly this article.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales
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