Comparison Of Trigonometry In Right Triangle
In the civilization of life of the Dayak people, the study of trigonometry has been reflected in the various icons of their lives. For example, the architecture has applied the equilibrium of the building on the custom house they created. the traditional house stands firmly as a result of a precise relationship between the angles associated with the lengths of the sides.
Do the Architectures study trigonometry as well?
In this discussion we will understand the concept of comparison of trigonometry in a right triangle. In everyday life we often encounter the shape of a right triangle, for example putting the position of the broom as in the picture below:
Note the following description:
Mr. Pajar is a school keeper. Pajar pack's height is 1.6 meters. He has a son named dani. Dani is still class II elementary school and height 1.2 m. Dani is a good boy and likes to ask questions. He once asked [his father about the height of each flag on the field. With a smile, his father answered 8 meters. One afternoon, as he accompanied his father to clear the weeds in the field, Dani saw the shadow of every object on the ground. He took the rope meter and measured the length of his father's shadow and the long shadow of the flagpole, which is 3 m and 15 m. But he can not measure the length of his own shadow because his shadow follows his movement. If you as a Dani, can you measure your own shadow?
The concept of congruence on the triangle is in the story. Let's draw the triangle according to the story above.
AB = The height of the flagpole (8 m)
BC = Length of pole shadow (15 m)
DE = High Pak Pajar (1.6 m)
EC = Shadow length Pak Pajar (3 m)
FG = Dani High (1.2 m)
GC = Dani's shadow length
Based on the triangle image above there are three triangles, namely:
Becouse segitigaABC, segitigaDEC, dan segitigaFGC is congruent, then apply:
By using Phytagoras Theorem we get value:
Based on congruence segitigaABC, segitigaDEC, dan segitigaFGC obtained the comparison as follows:
This comparison is called the C sinus sinus, written sin xo or sin C = 18/7
This comparison is called the cosine C, written cos xo or cos C = 15/17
This comparison is called the angle C tangent, written tan xo or tan C = 8/15.
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
Do the Architectures study trigonometry as well?
In this discussion we will understand the concept of comparison of trigonometry in a right triangle. In everyday life we often encounter the shape of a right triangle, for example putting the position of the broom as in the picture below:
Note the following description:
Mr. Pajar is a school keeper. Pajar pack's height is 1.6 meters. He has a son named dani. Dani is still class II elementary school and height 1.2 m. Dani is a good boy and likes to ask questions. He once asked [his father about the height of each flag on the field. With a smile, his father answered 8 meters. One afternoon, as he accompanied his father to clear the weeds in the field, Dani saw the shadow of every object on the ground. He took the rope meter and measured the length of his father's shadow and the long shadow of the flagpole, which is 3 m and 15 m. But he can not measure the length of his own shadow because his shadow follows his movement. If you as a Dani, can you measure your own shadow?
The concept of congruence on the triangle is in the story. Let's draw the triangle according to the story above.
AB = The height of the flagpole (8 m)
BC = Length of pole shadow (15 m)
DE = High Pak Pajar (1.6 m)
EC = Shadow length Pak Pajar (3 m)
FG = Dani High (1.2 m)
GC = Dani's shadow length
Based on the triangle image above there are three triangles, namely:
Becouse segitigaABC, segitigaDEC, dan segitigaFGC is congruent, then apply:
By using Phytagoras Theorem we get value:
Based on congruence segitigaABC, segitigaDEC, dan segitigaFGC obtained the comparison as follows:
This comparison is called the C sinus sinus, written sin xo or sin C = 18/7
This comparison is called the cosine C, written cos xo or cos C = 15/17
This comparison is called the angle C tangent, written tan xo or tan C = 8/15.
- The sinus of a blade is defined as the ratio of the length of the side in front of the angle to the sloping side, written sin C = (side in front of the corner) / (triangular side edge)
- The cosine of an angle is defined as the ratio of the length of the side to the side with the side of the incline, written cos C = (side by side of the angle) / (triangular side edge)
- The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the length of the front side of the angle to the side next to the angle, written tan C = (the side in front of the corner) / (side on the side of the corner)
- Cosecan an angle is defined as the length of the side tilted with the side in front of the corner, written cosec C = (triangular side) / (side beside the corner) or cosec C = 1 / cosec C
- Secan an angle is defined as the ratio of the length of the side to the side with the angle, dituils sec C = (triangular side edge) / (side on the corner) or sec C = 1 / cos C
- Cotangen an angle is defined as the side ratio beside the angle with the side in front of the corner, written cotan C = (side beside angle) / (side in front of corner) or cotan C = 1 / tan C
Sorry if there is a wrong word.
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Referensi :
- Book of math senior high school class 10 Semester 2
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