Contoh Motivation Letter

Contoh motivation letter yang akan dipaparkan di sini diambil dari dokumen prasyarat untuk kuliah di luar negeri yang pernah saya buat sendiri. Saya sengaja mengambil teladan motivation letter yang pernah saya buat alasannya dinilai cukup gampang dipahami dan sanggup dijadikan referensi kalau mau.

Nama penulis, tujuan universitas, dan tahun pembuatan telah disamarkan semoga pembaca sanggup menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya sendiri. Copy-paste teladan motivation letter di bawah ini tentu akan dianggap plagiat alasannya surat ini pernah dipakai sebelumnya. Alangkah baiknya apabila pembaca mengunakan teladan motivation letter ini sekadar untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola penulisan motivation letter yang standard sehingga sanggup menciptakan sendiri nantinya.

Baca juga: Pelajaran Jurusan IPS

Motivation letter sering kali menjadi salah satu prasyarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelamar sebelum mendaftar kuliah di luar negeri, atau sekaligus dengan beasiswanya. Motivation letter yang baik harus berisi isu yang diharapkan oleh panitia seleksi. Melalui contoh, kita akan bahas perihal menyerupai apa teladan motivation letter untuk kuliah di luar negeri.

Apa itu motivation letter?

Sebelum melihat contoh, kita perlu ketahui secara sekilas perihal apa itu motivation letter. Di sini saya akan definisikan secara subjektif menurut pengalaman. Motivation letter sanggup diterjemakan sebagai surat motivasi. Definisinya sanggup dideskripsikan sebagai surat keterangan yang berisi motivasi studi pelamar.

Sampai di sini kita batasi pengertian motivation letter sebagai surat keterangan yang berisi motivasi pelamar untuk studi. Bila motivation letter ditulis untuk mengajukan beasiswa, maka isu yang dikandung juga harus meliputi isu motivasi menerima beasiswa studi.

Baca juga Jurusan IPS: Prospek dan Peluang Kerja

Contoh motivation letter

Contoh motivation letter yang saya tampilkan di sini sudah tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika pembaca membutuhkan versi dalam bahasa lain sanggup diterjemahkan sendiri. Hal yang penting dari pemaparan teladan motivation letter ini yaitu untuk mengatakan pola atau struktur kepenulisan surat motivasi studi serta apa saja isinya. Tentu saja pembaca boleh menambahkan info seperlunya sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing. Berikut teladan motivation letter yang pernah saya buat:

Contoh motivation letter yang akan dipaparkan di sini diambil dari dokumen prasyarat untuk Contoh Motivation Letter

University of Oslo

November 12, 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am applying to your master agenda of social science with specialization in “Culture, Environment, and Sustainability”, starting in 2020 academic year. My career ambition is become an environmental analyst who possesses core expertise in environmental sustainability within the field of social science.

Since being in senior high school, I have been passionate in learning social sciences and this had led my ambition to explore social theories in university level. This academic journey has brought me to purse Bachelors in Sociology at Universitas Hayam Wuruk and since then I have been widely exposed to diversity of sociological theory. My passionate learning is so rewarding and challenging, and in the end it can enable me to have an honorable Bachelor degree in Sociology in May 2019.

Not long after graduation I was competitively selected as a research assistant for prestigious international research agenda commissioned under ‘In Search of Balance’ (ISB), collaboration between Universitas Hayam Wuruk and University of Agder (UiA) Norway. The research focuses on ‘The Rise of Environmental Youth Organization in Indonesia’. My involvement in the research on youth and environment really equipped me to understand better the significant role of young people in solving the environmental problems. I become increasingly interested in environmental issues since having been involved in that environmental research project. The research process successfully allowed me to expand my networks amongst environmental activists in Indonesia. Having such experiences, I believe that Center for Environment and Sustainability (SUM) at University of Oslo is the rightest destination to study and enrich my knowledge.

Besides my highly interest in academic research, I also improve my skills in leadership, communication and social networking. I am fortunate to have an exciting opportunity as a team leader in 2018 research grants agenda for students. As a team leader, I coordinated the project from the beginning to finish. In the end of November 2018, I was appointed as the Head of Research and Development in the student organization of Universitas Hayam Wuruk. Having been active in the organization had helped me improve my organizational skills, especially managing people and finding good headlines.

I am grateful to have been involved in the international research project on youth and environment for 2 years. I have always been encouraged to investigate and explore more about the enthusiasm of young people in my country towards the environmentalism. My future research concerning with the realm of environment is why Indonesian youths take part of into the environmental movement? Very often I was bothered by the desire to answer what is exactly the main cause of the growing of green communities in Indonesia. And Norway is the best destination for my study into this topic, as I know that there are lots of youth-based environmental movements growing in Oslo. Therefore, my research involvement is an excellent milestone studying in SUM’s Master program.

I want to study at University of Oslo because of your high quality educational system which combines academic excellence and research-driven learning system for the students’ core element. As the oldest and largest university in Norway, I believe your agenda will always give insights and great innovations in the field of environmental sustainability both theoretically and practically. I fully understand that I will gain knowledge about it by studying with the distinguished professors and researchers teaching in your program. I have met with former students of your agenda who are currently working in my country. And I have found their thought incredible. From speaking with them, I am really confident of my decision.

Considering the environmental conditions in my country as well as the crucial role my county will play in the global area, it has prompted me to get involved in the future. On the commitment that I have been built up since study in the university as well as a high interest in the field of social science and the environment, I am confident to be able to complete the study within stipulated period of time. Moreover, my social networking on environmental actors and organizations in my country will be able to enrich the environmental discourse on your program. I will also enrich the agenda by enabling fellow students and professors to benefit from my ambition and open nature. My international background will add more diversity to your program.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Your sign

Your name

Baca juga Jurusan Kuliah IPS: Daftar Lengkap

Sebagaimana telah disampaikan di awal, beberapa isu di atas telah disamarkan. Namun demikian, copy-paste sangat tidak dianjurkan. Pembaca sanggup mengidentifikasi isu yang dipaparkan di tiap paragraf, kemudian menciptakan versinya sendiri dengan menambahkan apapun yang penting sesuai kebutuhan.

Perlu diingat bahwa motivation letter sanggup menjadi senjata ampuh untuk mengesankan panitia seleksi universitas atau beasiswa yang pembaca tuju. Oleh alasannya itu, motivation letter harus berisi kata-kata yang meyakinkan dan mengatakan otentisitas penulis.

Satu paket dengan goresan pena ini yaitu postingan perihal Cara Membuat Motivation Letter. Pembaca sanggup klik link tersebut untuk melengkapi pengetahuan perihal bagaimana menciptakan motivation letter yang baik dan benar. Pembahasan di postingan tersebut juga melibatkan teladan menyerupai yang diposting di atas.

Baca juga: Daftar Beasiswa Kuliah di Luar Negeri


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