✔ Hanya Makan Pisang Selama 12 Hari

Pisang yaitu buah yang sangat sukar pada kita untuk tidak melihatnya kalau berkunjung ke pasar. Bahkan kerana itu gampang bagi kita untuk merasa bosan atas kerana keujudan buahnya. Kita atau mungkin cuma saya yang tampaknya akan sering mengabaikan buah ini. Depan pintu ada pisang, belakang pintu ada pisang, dalam rumah ada pisang, di luar rumah ada pisang. Bahkan ada saatnya ketika menyaluk saku terkadang tersaluk pisang. Begitulah keberadaan akan buah yang dinamakan pisang ini. Padahal di beberapa negara, buah pisang boleh menjadi buah yang sukar untuk ditemui meskipun banyak orang yang mencarinya lantaran mereka tahu akan manfaat sihat dari pisang.

Hal ini berlaku pada diri seorang nutrisionis Yulia Tarbath. Sedar akan banyak manfaat sihat yang terkandung dalam buah manis ini, beliau pun mencuba untuk hanya mengamalkan pemakanan pisang selama 12 hari dan menyeimbangkannya dengan minum sekitar 3 liter per hari. Apa kesannya yang beliau dapat?

"Selama 12 hari hanya makan pisang dan minum air putih, saya merasa perubahan pada tubuh saya secara semulajadi. Saya merasa begitu sehat. Fikiran saya menjadi jernih, kecantikan dalaman saya menyerlah, saya merasa sangat positif, serta tubuh saya menjadi lebih fleksibel sehingga saya boleh berolahraga dengan baik dan bersemangat," ungkapnya ibarat dipetik dari indiatimes.com. "Selain manfaat mental tersebut, kulit dan rambut saya menjadi lebih halus. Ajaibnya saya merasa lebih bertenaga sampai sanggup berlari sejauh 22 kilometer yang disambung dengan hiking."
Masih dari penelitian sihat ini, disebutkan pula bahawa pisang mempunyai sifat yang sanggup menurunkan berat tubuh anda dengan efektif. Sebiji pisang mempunyai 108 kalori dengan jumlah karbohidrat sebanyak 17.5 gram. Tubuh anda memerlukan karbohidrat sihat tersebut untuk menurunkan berat tubuh dengan sihat. Selain itu pisang juga mengandung serat, vitamin, mineral, dan pektin yang akan menciptakan anda merasa kenyang lebih lama.

"Pisang mempunyai indeks glikemik yang rendah yang juga bermanfaat untuk mengendalikan peningkatan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh."

Jadi, Anda mau tunggu apa lagi? Depan pintu ada pisang, belakang pintu ada pisang...aku menjualnya pada kadar harga yang paling minima. Pisang berangan rm2.00/kg.

Here’s What Happens When You Eat Only Bananas For 12 Days
Written by: Jenna Barrington

Most people love bananas in one form or another. They are sweet, filling and nutritious and can be used in many different ways. You can grab them for an on-the-go snack, slice and add them to a parfait, mix them frozen into a smoothie or delicious ice cream, or bake them into breads and muffins.

Bananas have an impressive list of health benefits and are considered by some to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world.

They are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals including potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and small amounts of vitamins A and E, folate and calcium. They are considered to be safe for most people, including those with heart problems, diabetes, kidney disease and other illnesses.

It’s no question that bananas are awesome. But would you go so far as to make them your only source of food for over a week?

The Banana Island Experiment

Yulia Tarbath, vegan, nutritional coach and founder of Rawsome Healthy decided that she was going to go on what is called a “mono-fruit diet” and eat only bananas for 12 days straight. Why? Yulia already eats an extremely healthy diet focused on whole foods and she wanted to find out the specific health benefits of bananas.  

What did she experience during the 12 days?

yuliabananasYulia noticed that her digestion was totally silent! She didn’t even feel her stomach during this period because all it needed to digest was bananas, which are full of fiber and also quick to go through the system.

She also felt more calm and peaceful than normal. Even though she was on an intense diet she didn’t feel stressed out.

She felt connected to herself and everyone around her.

She experienced a boost in creativity.

She felt like she was more loving.

Although her skin was already healthy, her skin became softer and more glowing than before.  

Yulia experienced outstanding mental clarity and focus. Because of this it felt like she had more time to spend on things each day and was able to accomplish more than her usual workload.

Her husband, who was also on the Banana Island diet with her, ran, biked and swam with her during the 12 day period and neither of them experienced a decrease in fitness ability. On the contrary, they felt like they were able to perform at their best.

Because Yulia was already eating healthy before the diet, she also experience no detox symptoms.

Pretty interesting.

Although Yulia found incredible benefits from going on a banana-only diet for a period of time, you don’t have to go to such extreme measures to realize the benefits of whole foods.

Start swapping out unhealthy snack and junk foods for fruits and vegetables and watch how your life changes.

Millions of people have begun to realize the benefits of eating whole, real foods straight from mother earth. Getting healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Anyone can learn how to cook using whole foods that are grown in the ground instead of with things made in a factory or laboratory.

Have you ever gone on a mono-fruit diet before? What benefits did you find? Share with us below!
Jenna Barrington
Studying Therapeutic Nutrition and Holistic Medicine and aspires to be a practitioner, teacher and writer at Set Me Free
Jenna Barrington is studying Therapeutic Nutrition and Holistic Medicine and aspires to be a practitioner, teacher and writer. She is passionate about education and helping others take control of their health. 

Jenna lives with her husband in Utah and loves writing, cooking, green smoothies, pembinaan her dog, Japanese, spending time at the ocean, bungee jumping, walking barefoot in the grass and being with her family.

Sumber http://psv3.blogspot.com

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