Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) Dan Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif)
Passive voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Sebuah kalimat yang subjectnya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau kalimat pada subject tersebut menjadi target aktivitas yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Ciri-ciri kalimat pasif yaitu berawalan di- dan berawalan ter tergantung pada kalimatnya.
Active voice (Kalimat Aktif)
sebuah kalimat yang subjuctnya berbuat sesuatu atau melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan. Ciri-ciri kalimat aktif yaitu kata kerjanya selalu berawalan me- dan beberapa mempunyai awalan ber-.
Rumus Passive and active Voice:
passive: we are met by him everyday
passive: this plat was watered by her this morning
passive: they had been met by him before I came
passive: the crops are going to be harvested by the famers next week
passive: they would have been met by him.
passive: they are being met by him now
passive: this plat is being watered by her now
passive: they were being met by him
passive: this plat has been being watered by her.
passive: they had been being met by him
passive: this plant will be being watered by her
passive: they would be being met by him
passive: This plat will have been being watered by her.
Sebuah kalimat yang subjectnya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau kalimat pada subject tersebut menjadi target aktivitas yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Ciri-ciri kalimat pasif yaitu berawalan di- dan berawalan ter tergantung pada kalimatnya.
Active voice (Kalimat Aktif)
sebuah kalimat yang subjuctnya berbuat sesuatu atau melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan. Ciri-ciri kalimat aktif yaitu kata kerjanya selalu berawalan me- dan beberapa mempunyai awalan ber-.
Rumus Passive and active Voice:
- Subject + be + Verb3 + by + modifier
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice:
- The Teacher enjoyed teaching the student (active)
- The students enjoyed being taught by the teacher (passive)
- you regretted that principal had to resign from office (active)
- it was regretted that the principal had to resign from office (passive)
- I consider her very pretty (active)
- she is considered very pretty (passive)
- simple present tense
passive: we are met by him everyday
- simple past tense
passive: this plat was watered by her this morning
- present perfect tense
passive: they had been met by him before I came
- simple future tense
passive: the crops are going to be harvested by the famers next week
- future perfect tense
passive: they would have been met by him.
- present countinous tense
passive: they are being met by him now
- present countinous tense
passive: this plat is being watered by her now
- past continous tense
passive: they were being met by him
- perfect continous tense
passive: this plat has been being watered by her.
- past perfect continous tense
passive: they had been being met by him
- future continous tense
passive: this plant will be being watered by her
- past future continous tense
passive: they would be being met by him
- future perfect continous tense
passive: This plat will have been being watered by her.
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