Procedure Text

Tiga definisi umum wacana Procedure text :

  1. Teks yang menjelaskan wacana instruksi/ anutan cara memakai sesuatu. Contoh : Cara memakai mesin cuci, komputer, dsb.

  2. Teks yang membuktikan cara melaksanakan aktifitas tertentu. Contoh : hukum bermain game resep masakan, dsb.

  3. Teks yang berafiliasi dengan tingkah laris manusia. Contoh : cara menuju sukses, cara hidup bahagia, dll.

Tujuan Procedure Text

Untuk merekam atau menunjukkan gosip faktual dari insiden yang terjadi di masa kemudian atau untuk menghibur pembaca. Informasi disajikan dengan urutan insiden yang logis.

Susunan umum dari procedure text

  1. Goal (Tujuan atau Maksud) : kalimat pembuka yang objektif.

  2. Material (Materi/ Alat/ Bahan) : daftar materi atau alat yang dibutuhkan.

  3. Steps (Tahapan) : Urutan tahapan secara logis dengan maksud untuk mencapai tujuan.

Contoh Procedure Text 1:

Tomato Omelet Recipe

Tiga definisi umum wacana Procedure text  Procedure Text


  • 4 eggs – lightly beaten

  • 3 tablespoons of cooking oil

  • 1 whole onion – finely chopped

  • 3 whole tomatoes – diced

  • A pinch of salt and pepper to suit your taste


  • Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan, then pour in ¼ egg mixture. Fry it over low heat. Wait until it becomes lightly brown.

  • Loosen the bottom of the omelet in the frying pan. Fold the edge further away towards the center. Do the same with the closest edge. Put the omelet onto the plate. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining egg mixture.


  • Heat 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in a frying pan. Fry the onions over high heat, until aromatic. Add some salt and pepper, as you want.

  • Top the folded omelet with the fried tomatoes. Serve while it is hot.

Contoh Procedure Text 2 :

How to Use Rice Cooker

Tiga definisi umum wacana Procedure text  Procedure Text Tiga definisi umum wacana Procedure text  Procedure Text

  1. Measure out required quality of rice using measuring cup provided. Wash rice plan, then put rice in the cooking pot and add water up to the level as recommended by the marking. However, the quality of water used will depend on the age and strain of the rice, as well as personal taste.

  • Do not exceed the maximum water level mark.

  1. Set the cooking pot the rice cooker, making certain that the base is dry. Ensure that cooking pot is in direct contact with the heating element by rotating it slightly until it seats properly. The rice cooker malfunctions if the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned.

  • Always keep the exterior bottom of the cooking pot and heating plate clean and dry.

  1. When ready to cook, plug power supply cord into an AC wall outlet. Press “COOK”. Once rice is cooked, a build-in beat censer will automatically switch the “COOK” mode to “WARM” mode. Allow rice to rest for about 15 minutes before serving.

Contoh Procedure Text 3 :

How To Make Crunchy Fried Chicken

Tiga definisi umum wacana Procedure text  Procedure Text


1 young chickens, cut into pieces

2000 ml of water or to taste

1 vertebra thumb galangal, crushed

4 bay leaves

150 ml coconut milk from coconut 1/3

200 g of corn starch

1 egg

1 stalk lemongrass, crushed

Salt to taste

Oil for frying to taste

6 shallots

4 cloves of garlic

6 grains hazelnut, roasted

1 small knuckle turmeric fuel

1 tbsp coriander, toasted

Salt to taste

How to Make Crunchy Fried Chicken:

First cut the chicken into pieces, then boiled with 2000 ml of water or until slightly tender, remove and drain it.

Take a new frying pan, fill enough water, then enter the chicken, and spices, galangal, lemongrass, and bay leaves. Steam while turning occasionally, wait until chicken is tender.

Then add the coconut milk and stir until boiling.

Then lift the chicken, strained chicken broth seasoning, then dispose of the waste.

After a cold chicken broth, enter sago flour and eggs, salt and stir until the dough becomes soft.

Heat enough oil, dip the chicken into batter, fried until golden brown. Remove and drain.

Finally, strain used fry oil, then heat again with a small flame. Fried leftover flour mixture little by little, remove and drain.


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