Limit Of Sequence

Sequence  is a range of numbers / functions that have rules or ways of aligning them.

1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 4, 8, 16, ....

Each number is called the term of the sequence.

The general form:
u1, u2, u3, ..., un or (un)
un = tribe-n
n = the number of tribes

If the numbers of the sequences are summed up there is a form called a series, which is usually abbreviated as Sn.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ....
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + ....

The general form:

The series is the number of rows.

Both the sequence and the series are functions of n or n variant, n is a tribe number.

sequence  : f(n) = Sn = 3n - 1
Then the sequence is 2, 5, 8, 11, ...

L said limit (un), when for small positive numbers ε (eposilon) are defined, can be found index n1 such that for each n > n1 value apply |L-un| < ∈, written limit n→∞ un = L

The meaning and the quantity of the definition can understand the following example:
The sequence (un), un = 2n/(n + 1), L = 2, ∈ = 1/1000, can it really be determined n1 such that for n > n1, applicable |2 - (2n/(n+1))| < 1/1000?

limit n→∞ (2n/(n+1)) = 2 → |2 - (2n/(n+1))| < 1/1000 → |(2n + 2 - 2n)/(n+1)| < 1/1000
|2/(n+1)| < 1/1000 → n + 1 > 2000 → n > 1999

It turns out to be found n1 = 2000

The sequence is called convergent when the tribes have a limit (n → ∞) which finite, in other respects called divergent.

(un) = 1/2, 3/3, 5/4, 7/5, 9/6, ... , (2n - 1)/(n + 1).

The tribes of the ranks are increase, but limited.

limit n→∞ un = limit n→∞((2n - 1)/(n + 1)) = 2 → means (un), konvergen.

Limit properties

So articles at this time.
Sorry if there is a mistake in this article.
Finally I said wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


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